Knock, knock… who's there?
Ever get that feeling that nobody's home?
A room filled with neighbors, but you're all alone.
The couch is a sleeper, yet you're wide awake,
The crust has been crumbled with nothing to bake.
The fridge door is open, the freezer ajar,
Your hunger for comfort so near, yet so far.
The browser is searching and spinning its globe,
So you patiently wait with such promise and hope.
When you land on the home page you're having a hunch,
That the lights are still on but they're all out to lunch.
You search for the words to get over the hump,
Thesaurus and Oxford… totally stumped.
If there's nowhere to turn, a blank mirror ahead,
Do you blame and cajole or own it instead?
The reflection revealed may taunt and provoke,
Can it possibly be that I am the bloke
Who left on the lights and the doors all ajar?
What are you saying...
Elusive, moi?
Elusive, Moi? by Jamie Greene is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United...
There's no such thing as fear of success... it's the fear of failing once you succeed!
Fear sucks. It literally sucks all our ambition, confidence and trust into a black hole we come to know as our self-esteem.
I was once grocery shopping, pleasantly minding my own business when all of a sudden, I noticed an acquaintance standing at the end of the aisle, pondering spaghetti sauces. How intrusive... this is my supermarket! All at once, I found myself darting down the adjacent aisle, hoping not to have been discovered, just to preserve a few more moments of domestic anonymity.
And all the while, an inner bully taunted me with shudders of rejection and intimate panic at the very notion that I might be 'outed' in an unscripted vulnerable moment of a real life encounter!
As a clinician I was never clear what self-esteem really meant so I looked it up in my Pocket Oxford and it became clear all at once; derived from the Latin verb, aestimare, it means to estimate or compare. Who knew?
Personal development is like being under construction; make sure to warn your friends and loved ones that debris will be falling!
I remember seeing those apartment buildings in the San Fernando Valley surrounded by wire fences following the aftermath of the 1994 Northridge earthquake, thinking it was such a powerful metaphor for the process we tend to undergo in therapy and coaching.
The shaken tenants had to endure the discomfort and inconvenience of being relocated during retrofitting and reconstruction, in much the same way as we go through the difficulty of being inspected by our coaches, shrinks and sponsors, on admitting our need for help.
Just as the plaster and ornate facades are stripped off the cracked walls and ceilings revealing the brick and dry wall posts beneath, so goes the way of our ego, grandiosity and character flaws into the dumpster!
As many of you know, it’s not pretty...There’s rubble, dirt and muddy puddles everywhere we...
Join me for my upcoming free seminar at USC that I will be presenting for all working professionals:
"How to be free in today's professional climate, rather than a slave to it".
Learn techniques that you can implement immediately;
1. Create effective impact through the Art of Negotiation.
2. Diffuse conflict with challenging personalities.
3. Implement C-P-R technology: Context-Purpose-Results
4. Create the Pathway to Reinvention
Date: Thursday, August 5, 2010
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: USC Davidson Conference Center, Vineyard Room
RSVP by July 31 to [email protected] - SPACE IS LIMITED!
USC MAAA presents a new 2-part seminar series with Jamie Greene on The Art of Negotiation.
Learn ways to embrace challenges in the workplace and overcome any fears of confrontation and conflict. You will discover the most essential quality of a good negotiator and learn techniques that you can take home with you and implement immediately.
Topics include:
The 10 Basics of Negotiating
Conflict Resolution with Challenging Personalities
Managerial Courage
C-P-R Technology (Context-Purpose-Results)
Managers vs. Leaders
Date: Thursday, August 12th & 19th 2010
Time: 7:00pm -9:00pm
Location: USC Mark Taper Hall (THH) 116
Please call USC MAAA office (213) 740 4735
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